
Are You Ready to Launch a Course?
Ready to Launch?

To Sum It Up…

While there are certainly some overnight success stories with entrepreneurs who launched a six figure course right outta the gate, let’s be honest…

Those are even bigger fairy tales than my favorite, Cinderella.

And if you don’t want to waste three months and hundreds of dollars working on a launch that ends up letting you down, then you need to make sure your business is hitting these three bench marks.

First, you need to be consistent in your business. You should be blogging, sending newsletters to your list and regularly posting on social media to build up the know, like and trust factor – even if you’re just starting out and don’t have any testimonials.

Being consistent will help give your customers reassurance that their “lifetime” course access will actually be just that! And not that you’ll be going out of business in six months or less.

Second, you need to have 100 highly targeted leads on your email list. Even if your overall subscribers are greater in number, you need to have 100 who are your perfect, ideal, dreamy client.

This not only sets up you for a minimum of 5 instant members when you open your program for the first time, but also to create a lookalike audience for Facebook ads that will actually be interested in what you’re selling.

And finally, you need to have success in working with 20 one-to-one clients. It can certainly be more, but you need to have at least worked with 20 private clients to have proof that your message and service resonates and solves a real problem.

This will also allow you to find the common elements among those clients that could be translated into the perfect foundational course that sells with ease.

Once you’ve hit all three of these important benchmarks, you’ll be ready to leverage your time and income by launching your first online course or program!

Your Turn

If you’re struggling to meet the final benchmark on booking 20 clients, don’t miss out on the chance to learn from Jenny Shih!

Sign up for her upcoming workshop to make your step-by-step plan to get booked solid with your ideal clients.

Full Transcript

**Coming Soon**

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



  1. Jessie Ford Coots

    Thanks for these great tips, Jessica! I think that a lot of people want to launch and see success overnight, with a list of 10 subscribers — and it just simply doesn’t work that way. 😉 Blogging/emailing your list for a while, really building up a good number of followers who will actually buy from you and seeing that what you sell does help people over and over are such smart and strategic things to do. I think reading this will help a lot of hopeful future launchers!

  2. Whitney Ryan

    Ohhh Jessica. Once again you hit the nail RIGHT on the head in giving the tough love advice we need.

    I especially love the first point about being consistent before you think about offering a course. I’ve found that with my clients, the ones who have successful launches are the ones who are blogging every week and loving on their lists consistently. It shows they’re the real deal, like you said, and builds that know-like-trust factor to the point where they’re comfortable pulling the trigger.

    And thanks for the tangible numbers, too. Having the 100 / 20 people targets gives an objective amount to aim for…which is always so helpful!


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