
Why You Really Do Need A Welcome Sequence To Grow Your Business
welcome sequence

You’ve probably heard about one million and twelve times that you need a welcome sequence.

Or maybe you heard it called a nurture sequence, funnel, or automated email sequence.

There’s a lot of names for the same thing, but I like to call it a welcome sequence because it’s a series of emails that welcomes people into your community from the moment someone signs up to hear from you.

If you’ve been meaning to get around to putting one together, or know it’s been on “set it and forget it” a little too long –

I’m hoping this video will finally motivate you on why a welcome sequence is an essential business practice, and give you the tips you need to easily put it into place.

What Your Welcome Sequence Should Be Doing

Your welcome sequence is super important for a few reasons.

One, when people sign up for your list is when they most want help. They’ve just raised their hand and said, Hey, I’ve got the problem that you’re telling me. This free thing helps solve. So they want to hear from you. They’re actively looking for help and they’re a great source of clients and customers and really hot leads who you know have said they have the problem you help solve.

It’s important to also let them get to know you or your company, your personality, your brand. And as you continue to deliver content so you become a valued and trusted expert in their network.

And your welcome sequence should help you achieve your business goals.

Welcome Sequence Email #1 – Deliver Your Freebie

First, your welcome sequence should be definitely delivering the freebie, PDF, resource or or video content – whatever it is that you promised when they opted in.

In some cases people have sign up for our newsletter or sign up for our latest podcast episodes to be emailed to you. And that’s okay…

But 9 times out of 10 you’re going to want to incentivize people signing up for your list with some type of freebie and gift.

So then this very first email should make sure you deliver on that promise.

Welcome Sequence Email #2 – Follow Up On Your Freebie

The second email and the sequence should remind them that they downloaded your freebie.

Because we all have downloaded free resources and then never opened our downloads folder and checked it out, you should tease out a piece of content.

If you’re a health coach and maybe you gave some recipes, you can be like, did you check out my favorite strawberry smoothie recipe on page three?

Or if you are giving them a checklist, you’re like, don’t forget step number three on page four. These type of things that entice them to be like,

Welcome Sequence Email #3 – Deliver More Great Content

The third email in your sequence should deliver more of your proven expert content, so send them to your best podcast episode, your most downloaded video, your best blog post, or in some cases it should be the best piece of content that’s also related.

So again, going back to the smoothie example, okay, what would be another great recipe or a breakfast idea or since you did smoothies, maybe give them a dinner recipe, something that helps the conversation keep going.

Setting Up Your Welcome Sequence For Achieving Business Goals

But after these first three emails, each welcome sequence can go very different and that is why you need to set up your welcome sequence based on how you work with people and how your business makes money.

If you are a one-to-one service provider or a coach or consultant, someone who books clients through either an application process or free call, each email and your nurture sequence should allude to this.

Maybe as in the PS, maybe it’s in the body copy, right, and the emails you’d want to send after our, like your story of where you were and how you became this coach or expert. You’d want benefits and testimonials.

You’d want to paint the picture of transformation.

What if you are someone who does a couple of live launches a year, you’ve got a couple of group programs or some live trainings that you do from time to time.

Your welcome sequence should get people onto the wait list for the next time your program opens. It should build desire in them to want to learn more and go deeper with you in the group coaching format.

Or it could be that you actually want to do a trip wire product and you want to sell something right away to someone on your list. So there’s a whole format that you can follow for that as well.

For each of these three examples, I’ve got a free guide you can down below that has the exact type of emails you need to send in and what order that you can use as a handy dandy checklist and we’ll also then serve you if you’re one-to-one now but you later scale your business or your at group coaching programs now and you want to build an evergreen funnel.

If you want a few more details on what the emails are and what they should say, click below to download that guide.

Tracking Your Welcome Sequence Performance

Besides what your welcome sequence says, you definitely want to make sure that your welcome sequence is performing. So like I mentioned, people are most excited about being on your email list right when they first sign up two years later.

So in your welcome sequence, you should be tracking the stats of opens and clicks and they should be very high, like 50% especially on the very first email. And then maybe if you’ve got or eight emails down the line, maybe they’re down to 40% but you want them much, much higher than your regular newsletter list.

And this is great news because as they do mature onto your email list, you should actually see your newsletter open rates start to go up when this welcome sequence engages them and make some raving fans who want to continue opening your newsletters even after this set sequence is done well, besides really high open rates, you also want to see a few unsubscribes and that may seem a little counterintuitive, especially if you’re paying for list building and you’re paying for the leads that are coming into this funnel.

We do want some love you or hate you email language. If you’re someone who curses person needs to be in your welcome sequence, so I know right away that I’m in or I’m out.

Again, your welcome sequence is really the point of contact to be your most polarizing yourself so that the open rates are high for the people who are loving it and they stay on your newsletter list and the people who aren’t a right fit to be in your community and on your list go during the welcome sequence because then it’s not like they’re marking every newsletter and from then on out as spam or offensive.

You really want to work those kinks out before they’re getting on the same list as your massive broadcast when you send your newsletter, because those spam reports then affect it getting into everyone’s inbox as opposed to the one off channels on their own.

Your Turn

I hope that this video has helped you recommit to building a great welcome sequence, helps you clarify what needs to go inside. And again, if you want exact emails, you can click below to download that as well as help you track the statistics to know if your welcome sequence is doing the job that it needs to be doing. If you’re actually the rare entrepreneur who actually already has their welcome sequence in place, maybe you listen to this video, go take a look back and make sure that your emails are as polarizing and true to the brand that you have today. If maybe you wrote them a little bit while ago.

Please leave any comments below or questions you have about your particular welcome sequence and what would be right for you.

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



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